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Come hang out with Sarah and LiaFaith, As they talk about the mighty move of God happening worldwide, right now. LiaFaith is a full time worship leader with #LetUsWorship. Even though she’s getting ready to embark on a multi state tour, she took the time to sit down with The Remedy and talk hope, and bring joy in unique ways. Her new hit single “There’s Just Something” is a real life fairytale come true. Listen as she so masterfully proclaims the peace and joy found only through Jesus. She’s been traveling the world spreading the Good News of Jesus, and her up and coming new children’s book “The tales of Godmother Gaudium” (Godmother Joy) LiaFaith is a #superspreader of the best kind. Sprinkling hope and joy everywhere she goes. We hope you are as blessed as we were to have her on the podcast, today. Download her new single There’s Just Something, here: #LetUsWorship #TPUSAFaith #LiaFaith #TheRemedyWithSarahAmazingGrace #HopeDealer #GoodNewsPodcaster
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